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Q. Who are Den Parents? A. A Den Parent may be parents/legal guardians who have time during the school day.
Q. What do Den Parents do? A. Assist a classroom teacher with classroom events and activities. Contact other parents for classroom donations, supplies for parties, activities, and events. Function as a liaison between the classroom and the Parent Volunteer Coordinator. Support the classes Saturday Service Project.
Q. What does a Den Parent NOT do? A. Make more work for the teachers, but lighten the load. Respect the teacher’s wishes about what they would like their Den Parents to do. Follow their lead.
Q. How are Parents selected? A. Each teacher will select his/her Den Parent(s) from the pool of completed and returned forms found below. Availability and reliability are key!
Q. If I volunteer now, but have a change in plans, what should I do? A. Inform your Lead Parent as soon as possible. Q. What if I apply and I’m not selected as a Den Parent? A. There will be other opportunities to serve the classroom and the school in other capacities as needs arise throughout the year. Q. How will I know what will be expected of me as a Den Parent? A. The teachers will plan to meet with you to review specific plans and requests. You can find more information on volunteering opportunities by following the Gillingham Charter Parents Page!